How to Fix a Burn Hole in a Car Seat: Step By Step Guides

From the general knowledge we all know that burn comes as a result of ignition of either a match stick or as a result of two services scratching on each other, and due to friction and the heat generated it leads to ignition where its final results are fire or ashes. When the same fire or ashes falls on a service it leads to burn hence damage.

In a car let’s say when a driver or somebody in the car is using a cigarette, and if while in the car, by accident or without the cigarette user’s knowledge some ashes may fall onto the seat of the car leading to a burning hole in the seat. Since no one would wish to see scars on his/her car then you have to look for a solution to cover the burns.

Requirements for seat burn fixing

  •       Scalpel.
  •       Sharp scissors (used to cut patches and fillers).
  •       Toothpicks or tweezers (for forcing fabric into the hole).
  •       Fabric glue (to hold tight the fabric in the hole).
  •       Cloth material (to be used for filling the burn hole).

 What you should keep in mind when fixing a burn hole

 What you should keep in mind when fixing a burn hole

Before fixing a burn hole one should consider the following tips that will be of importance during and after repair.

  1.  Safety-You should keep children and pets away because you are going to handle sharp objects that may injure them.
  2. Investing in the right supplies- Before you start fixing a burn hole you should invest in quality inputs, that is quality glue and sharp fabric scissors. Avoid dull objects since they may consume much of your time, lower your accuracy and some glue may take longer to dry hence inconsistency.
  3.  Ensure that there is light- When repairing make sure that there is enough light to do your work more accurately, this is also considered to avoid any form of accidents that may be brought about due to poor visibility.
  4. Take your time- When fixing a burn hole you need to take your time to do an accurate job. Do not rush doing since your time will determine the perfect outcome of your effort.

Read also: How to fix a burn mark in a car headliner

Steps followed when fixing a burn hole in car seathow to fix a burn hole in car seat

The following steps are followed when one wants to fix a burn hole:

Step 1: Clean the Surface

Gently you should clean the surface around the burned hole to remove the dust and any dirt. If you used water to clean the area make sure that you allow it to dry before you start fixing it.

Step 2: Assembling the requirements

Collect the glue as one of your major requirements together with scissors and a toothpick or tweezers. Then around the hole in the damaged seat, scratch the below side of your seat with a razor on your possession where the seat fabric is invisible or hidden from the view, then collect the scratched seat fabric fibbers which you scratched from the seat. Clean the ground or carpet below the seat to avoid any dirt within the car.

Step 3: Cut the Burned Fabric away

Using the scissors cut around the burned or melted area around the fabric be careful when you are cutting away the burned area to avoid slicing away more than they needed.

Step 4: Applying Patch

Using the superglue and toothpick, Squeeze a little of clothing material for your patch into the burn hole and take the fabric fibbers that you had collected from your previous step and fix or squeeze them into the burn hole. As the glue continues to dry and provided you have put the right proportion of the glue and the fibbers, then keep manipulating the fabric into the burn hole to cover it better.  If this step is carefully done then the hole should be barely seen.

 How to fix the burnt Edge of a car seat How to fix the burnt Edge of a car seat

Alternatively, another basic repair of the burn hole in a car seat on the loop is achieved through the following procedure:

  1. In the burnt hole on the loop of the seat, put superglue in the hole, and then make sure that you push the loop completely into the glue.
  2. Look for the heavy object such as a stone or something like metal and place it on the loop and let it stay on it for a little while. Then the weight of the object will then push the ends of the hole into the glue.
  3. Make sure you vacuum over the area once it has dried.

 If you perform the above three steps then hoping that the loop won’t pull back again, then this will make the seat look good as if it was new.

  Why should you fix the burn hole?  Why should you fix the burn hole

As a result of burns researchers discovered that if the seat hole burns are not covered then they lead to some of the following effects:

  1.  Worsening damage-This happens where there is normally a lot of action especially on the driver’s seat, then if the hole is not fixed this will lead to more damage as the hole will be widening up hence leading to a wider hole.
  2. Decrease resale price- As obvious one will be aiming to sell a vehicle at one time and he/she will want to sell it at a better price than he/she bought it. Therefore, to avoid too much depreciation one will consider fixing a burn hole early before late.

What other options are there?What other options are there

If you fail to consider the suggested procedure above then you can either consider buying a cigarette burn repair kit such as a touch-up kit that comes with all the accessories? Alternatively, look for a professional to give you the appropriate advice on how to avoid any risks that can be brought up by smoking while in the vehicle.

Ways to prevent cigarette burns in cars    Ways to prevent cigarette burns in cars    

  1. Smoking Policy-A no smoking policy should be your rule, Provided that your passengers may not like you for such a policy, but it will better the possible risks such as your health and the burn of your seats.
  2.  Smoke not while Driving- If you must smoke while in your car then do it while the car is stationary but preferably never smoke at all in your car since you never know when the ashes may fall onto the car seats.

Click here to learn more about car seat clean, install, untwist etc.


By now, you are aware of all the possible options you have to fix burn holes in your car seat. Therefore you need to take all the possible risks that must be considered to avoid any possible damages. Also if by accident the burn occurs then you should consider fixing them earlier before the discussed further effects.

Also when fixing the hole you should consider all the discussed points for effective fixation. Finally, it’s advised to avoid smoking while in the car and you should take all the advice given seriously. Always remember that you should make it a priority to repair any damaged holes fast as soon as you can manage.

Time is never an issue here and you will never want to see the hole grow bigger to come out of your seats or expose the inner spongy of your car seat. Stains and smoke spills can be simple to clean but covering up a patched hole can be more expensive than you may think. 

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