The tickling sound produced by Honda Odyssey is also known as a lifter tick. Sometimes, a Honda Odyssey engine may make a ticking sound in a continuous or non-continuous way. In most instances, the tickling noise shows how severe the damage is, especially internal components. However, tickling sounds are fixable if you follow the correct steps.
Honda odyssey tickling does not prevent your vehicle from functioning normally but, if ignored, can result in severe internal damages. Therefore, it is advisable to fix the tickling sound problem to avoid causing severe distortion of the vehicle’s interior components during driving. This article shows the causes of engine tickling sound and the best ways of troubleshooting the problem.
Causes of engine tickling sound
1. Engine empty or low engine oil in the engine

Oil is beneficial in that it helps the engine lubricate well and keep working as required. However, if the engine oil runs low, the engine will lack enough oil to function well, producing an engine tickling sound. Moreover, low engine oil may result in the accumulation of dirt in the vehicle engine. Once the dirt has accumulated on the engine, metal parts will begin producing irritating tickling sounds.
Once you experience a tickling sound, it is advisable to check the level of engine oil and try refilling the oil. Further, consider contacting a professional mechanic to help you fix the engine tickling sound to protect the vehicle engine from further damages.
2. Unsuitable engine oil

Engine oil usage differs from one vehicle to another since not all engines use the same engine oil. For instance, vehicle engines use oil depending on the speed and thickness of the engine oil. Using incorrect oil for your vehicle engine results in the production of tickling sound.
Therefore, it is advisable to choose the correct oil for your vehicle engine to avoid causing further damages to the vehicle engine and avoid using heavy engine oil for your vehicle engine. Also, avoid using light oil but consider using engine oil recommended by the manufacturer.
The thickness of engine oil depends on the weather season. If it is summer, consider using thick engine oil that can function appropriately at high temperatures. The hotter the environment, the higher the amount of engine oil needed to keep the vehicle running. During winter seasons, consider using light engine oil that will not freeze at low temperatures. Also, light engine oil is suitable during winter since it flows steadily and faster.
If accessing engine oil for different seasons is challenging, consider using “all season engine oils” to reduce the expense of purchasing other engine oil during different seasons. Finally, contact a professional mechanic to help you choose the best engine oil that suits your vehicle engine.
3. Distorted engine oil filter

Sometimes, the engine oil may be dirty and will require some filtration. Engine oil filter performs the function of filtering engine oil to remove any dirt accumulated on the engine oil, increasing the lifespan of the vehicle engine. If dirt and sludge collect on the engine oil, the dirt prevents the free flow of engine oil, resulting in the production of tickling sound.
Distorted engine oil filter usually results from the unattended and unchanged oil filter. Therefore, it is advisable to check the engine oil filter and change it regularly to prevent damaging the vehicle engine.
4. Use of slugged engine oil

Slugged engine oil is also known as dirty engine oil. While driving the vehicle, dirt may accumulate on the engine oil due to continuous tearing and wearing of the engine parts. If the engine oil is ignored and remains unattended, dirt accumulation increases resulting in the clogging of the engine lifter. Once the engine filter is clogged, a tickling sound is produced.
It is essential to keep changing the engine oil frequently and getting rid of the dirty oil. You can follow the recommended steps on how to change the engine oil, or you can consider contacting a professional mechanic to help you change the engine oil. When changing the engine, ensure you use the recommended engine oil to avoid damaging the vehicle engine.
5. Damaged vehicle engine lifter
A faulty engine lifter can fail to function as required, resulting in a tickling sound in the vehicle engine. Unfortunately, a professional mechanic can only do the replacement of an engine lifter. Therefore, if you experience a tickling sound resulting from a damaged engine lifter, consider replacing the distorted engine lifter with a new engine lifter.
6. Improper vehicle maintenance
Different manufacturers recommended regular servicing, checkups, and vehicle maintenance to increase the vehicle’s lifespan. Also, regular servicing and maintenance reduce the cost required during repairing. On the other hand, poor vehicle maintenance weakens the vehicle resulting in issues such as the production of engine tickling sounds.
Steps on how to fix Honda odyssey engine tickling noise

Troubleshooting methods usually depend on the causes of the engine tickling sound. The information below gives details on the best different solutions for fixing the tickling sound production issue.
i. Filling the engine with engine oil
Since tickling sounds result due to empty or low engine oil in the engine, consider filling the engine with the engine oil up to the stated level. However, avoid overflowing the engine with the engine oil. First, locate the engine’s position, and in most vehicles, it is found in front of the vehicle.
Open the engine oil and allow engine oil to flow to the empty engine using the engine filter and engine funnel until you reach the recommended level. Close the engine and lower the lifter. Start the engine and test to identify the production of any tickling sound. If the problem persists, proceed to the next step.
ii. Regular changing of the engine oil
Dirty engine oil is the leading cause of engine tickling sound production. First, check the engine oil condition and try changing the engine oil to get rid of the tickling sound. If the problem persists, check other causes of tickling sound production and try fixing them.
iii. Clean or replace the engine filter
Sometimes, the engine filter can wear out and fail to remove dirt and sludge. Therefore, it is advisable to clean the oil filter or consider replacing the engine oil filter to get accurate results.
Several reasons usually result in producing a ticking sound in the engine, such as low engine oil. Luckily, the article above shows the causes of tickling around and the best ways of troubleshooting the problem.
If you experience tickling sound, it is essential to try troubleshooting the problem on your own before contacting a professional mechanic. Finally, it is advisable to avoid ignoring the tickling sound produced to prevent further engine damages.
For knowing more to fix 2007 Honda Odyssey Engine Ticking Noise, You should watch this video below: