Unusual sounds coming from the blower motor in the 2005 Honda pilot vehicle indicate a bad sign. The noise exists in different categories such as whirring, clicking, humming, grinding, or vibrating noise produced unless identified and fixed. A blower motor usually functions like a fan whereby it allows airflow into the car and forces the air to flow out of the car via HVAC.
A blower motor functions without producing noise unless it is damaged. The unusual sound produced when turning on the blower motor causes discomfort to both the driver and all passengers present in the 2005 Honda pilot. Therefore, it is essential to avoid ignoring blower motor noise but rather consider fixing it instantly.
Causes of a blower motor noise

Several reasons result in the generation of blower motor noise, and each problem is fixed differently. Therefore, carefulness is necessary when fixing the blower motor issue. Also, the manufacturer’s manual book is necessary when making some references on the recommended steps of troubleshooting the blower noise. The following are the main causes of blower motor noise.
1. Low lubricant
A limited amount of lubricant applied to the blower motor hinders the blower motor and other vehicle parts from lubricating freely. Failure of the blower motor to rotate freely results in the production of humming sound. If you notice humming noise, first, switch off the blower motor or disconnect the blower motor from the power source.
Let the blower motor sit for a couple of minutes until it completely cools down. After cooling down, inspect the blower motor carefully, identify the amount of lubricant available, and identify any blower motor damage. If the blower motor is in correct condition, consider lubricating the blower motor and reboot the motor to see if the humming sound disappears.
2. Failing blower motor belt
Failing blower motor belt may result in the generation of screeching noise when starting the 2005 Honda pilot. If you notice some squealing sound coming from the blower motor, check the status of the blower motor belt. If the blower motor belt is damaged, replace a belt that suits the blower motor. Also, consider reviewing the manufacturer’s manual or contacting a skilled mechanic on the best blower motor belt suitable for your 2005 Honda pilot.
After replacing the blower motor belt, use the recommended lubricant and lubricate the bearings present in the blower motor. Then, reboot the blower motor and switch it on to see if the squealing sound is dealt with. If the problem persists, consider identifying other possible causes of blower motor noise or contact a professional mechanic if necessary.
3. Broken blower motor
A broken blower motor is the main cause of blower motor noise generation. Once your blower motor has been completely damaged or distorted, some thumping noise is produced, indicating a bad sign. To fix the thumping noise, first, disconnect the blower motor from the power supply.
Leave the blower motor to cool for a couple of minutes completely. Inspect the blower motor and identify any problems in the blower motor that produce thumping noise. After carefully examining the whole blower motor, purchase the recommended motor that suits your 2005 Honda pilot and call a professional mechanic to replace the blower motor. Test the newly installed blower motor to see if the thumping noise is still generated.
4. Increased blower motor speed
Sometimes, blower motor noise is due to increased motor speed. Sometimes increased blower motor rotation produces unwanted noise when driving your 2005 Honda pilot. If the blower motor is too loud, check the working speed of the blower motor. Try decreasing the speed to reduce the loud noise.
Moreover, consider inspecting the blower motor ductwork. If the loud noise generation results from damaged ductwork, buy high-quality ductwork that suits the 2005 Honda pilot. Contact a licensed mechanic to help you replace the ductwork since replacing the ductwork on your own may cause severe damages to the blower motor, such as blowing the whole blower motor.
5. Damaged blower motor wheel
Loud noise indicates serious issues that require immediate troubleshooting. For example, metal-against-metal noise is produced when metal scraps against another metal, and such problems require instant fixation before the whole metals are completely damaged. Such kinds of issues are difficult to handle, especially if you lack adequate skills in metal-against-metal knowledge.
If you experience metal-against-metal noise, contact a skilled mechanic or a skilled HVAC technician to help you troubleshoot the problem. Once you hear metal-against-metal noise, turn off the blower metal completely and avoid running the blower motor to avoid causing further damages to the blower motor.
Steps on how to replace the blower motor

Replacing a blower motor is simple and as long as you follow the recommended steps. For the 2005 Honda pilot, use the following steps to replace the blower motor.
1. Switch off the blower motor
If you hear any noise from the blower motor, turn off the blower motor and let it sit for a couple of minutes until it completely cools down before proceeding to the next steps. Ensure you have all the equipment required to replace the blower motor, such as a screwdriver to unscrew all bolts holding the blower motor in position, wrench, etc.
2. Open the dash
The dash is usually located on the side of the passenger. Using the recommended tools, open the under dash to find the position of the blower motor. Before opening the under the dash, ensure you remove the glove box.
3. Disengage the blower motor electrical connector
After removing the glove gear and opening the under the dash, disconnect the electrical connector using a wire cutter or wire stripper or a pair of priers. Ensure you handle the wires carefully to prevent damaging the wires.
4. Pull out the blower motor
Find the location of the blower motor and gently remove it. You can remove the blower motor using your hands or any recommended tool such as a screwdriver. Ensure you hold the blower motor carefully.
5. Reinstall the new blower motor
After successfully removing the damaged blower motor, reinstall a well-functioning blower motor to eliminate blower motor noise. Ensure the new blower motor fits perfectly in its position. If you cannot replace the blower motor on your own, contact a skilled mechanic to replace the blower motor.
Many signs indicate a failing blower motor. The signs include; noise generation, smoke, pungent smell production, and weak air flowing in and out of the blower motor. Once you notice the stated signs, contact a skilled mechanic to help you inspect the blower motor.
Further, if you experience blower motor noise, consider examining the whole blower motor for the above causes. After inspecting a broken blower motor, use the steps above to eliminate the old blower motor and replace the new one. Finally, remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
To fix 2005 Honda Pilot Blower Motor Makes Noise, You should watch this video, Good luck!